As this unfolds, we will all be making adjustments to the way we live and work. Although there is much uncertainty as the situation evolves, we take comfort in the fact that we have a compassionate transplant community that makes us all genuinely feel a part of one big extended family. In times like these we listen, we learn, and we support each other.
If you have questions specifically related to COVID-19 and transplant patients you may visit the American Society of Transplantation website, which is being regularly updated. The American Society of Transplantation has recommended that both pre-transplant and post-transplant patients avoid crowded situations. It is also recommended that all patients try to stay at home as much as possible and wash hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer. If you don’t feel well, call your transplant nurse coordinator for further guidance.
Additionally the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided guidelines for the general population and the World Health Organization (WHO) is working hard to maintain up to date information about the spread of COVID-19 including changing conditions in the United States.
To Our Community of Transplant Centersand Health Professionals:
During this time The Living Bank continues to work with transplant centers, serving as the Independent Living Donor Advocate (ILDAs) through the use of telehealth, making it easier to advocate on behalf of living organ donors through live video sessions. We can easily meet with health professionals and patients in their homes or in other facilities using computers and anymobile device.
Continuing Education
In the coming weeks we will be offering additional live webinars on COVID-19 and related transplant topics. Currently you may view a listing of our archived webcasts at The Living Bank’s course catalogue. In our commitment to bring solutions, collaboration and peer support The Living Bank continues to provide continuing education credit at no cost to our viewers.
To ensure the health and safety of our team, The Living Bank staff is working remotely. During this time we will maintain our community and remain available to answer your calls and emails.