Living Donation is a very serious decision to make, and it may not be the best one for you. Even so, there are so many ways you can help others that are in need, and potentially save a life!

Helping Is A Click Away

Did you know that most people only find out that living donation is an option when they are faced with a direct need themselves or for a family member? By sharing educational posts you can help raise awareness and potentially the number of donors to facilitate these life-saving treatments!

Follow us on your favorite social media account and share or repost any of the educational content we and other accounts like us post! You never know where connections can be made.


April Is Donate Life Month

Every April, there are a variety of events, conventions, and opportunities to spread the word on living donation. Check in with your local transplant charities and networks to see what they are up to! If you’re into walking and running, consider entering a local 5K to raise money for your favorite living donation charity!
